In the Nordic countries, we have a long tradition of investing in commercial companies solely for economic growth and capitalization of assets. As in many other countries, investments in environmental and social development usually come from welfare programs, public funds and donations.
In recent years, however, a new type of investor has emerged. Some high net individuals, philanthropists, business angels, venture companies and private and public funds now also invest in commercial companies that solve social and environmental challenges which the public sector fails to resolve. We call these frontrunners “impact investors”.
Meet some of the leading impact investors in the Nordic region.
"We achieve measurable social results by investing in social entrepreneurs and strengthening their markets in Norway."
Katinka Greve Leiner Director – Ferd Social Entrepreneurs (Norway)
“We invest to help companies create new opportunities for marginalized groups in society by combining social and commercial success.”
Lars Jannick Johansen Founder & CEO – Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest (Denmark)
“Cooperative enterprises and associations strengthen our community, creates jobs and contributes to the development of socially beneficial solutions and new social innovations. Mikrofonden Sweden provides capital to enable start and development of businesses in the Social economy in Sweden.”
Jan Svensson Chairman – Mikrofonden (Sweden)
“Investment capital must be used to create solutions to the problems of our time. By investing in and actively developing agricultural value chains, we help reduce hunger and poverty in rural Africa.”
Pål DaleManaging Director – Voxtra (Norway)